ASIA/HONG KONG - “Looking for God in culture”: Jesuit Seminar in Hong Kong commemorates Fr Matteo Ricci

Thursday, 9 December 2010

Hong Kong (Agenzia Fides) - “Looking for God in culture” is the theme of the Seminar organized by the Jesuits in Hong Kong, from 2 to 5 December, to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the death of their brother, missionary Father Matteo Ricci. Bishop John Tong of the Diocese of Hong Kong took part in the Seminar, also presiding over the opening Holy Eucharist. According to the Bishop, “the evangelization of Father Ricci was supported by a deep contemplative life, that is, a complementary harmony between the contemplative life and action.” Then he encouraged the mission of evangelization today: it must be concentrated and accompanied by an intense spiritual life of contemplation, because “reflection and contemplation provide the strength to serve. In this way we authentically experience the Riccian spirit,” Bishop Tong emphasised.
According to reports from the “Kong Ko Bao” (the Chinese version of the diocesan bulletin), over 300 participants from places as diverse as Hong Kong, Taiwan, England, Australia, India and Vietnam participated in the Seminar and also in the spiritual workshop in the St Ignatius Centre for Spirituality. Among them were Fr L. Gendron, provincial superior of the Jesuit Province of China, many superiors from Asian Jesuit communities, together with Jesuits, spirituality experts and lay faithful who have undergone the spiritual exercises of St Ignatius. (NZ) (Agenzia Fides 09/12/2010)
