AFRICA/BURKINA FASO - Ordination of six new priests: four diocesan, one Camillian and one Missionary of Africa who at the end of the Mass was sent on mission to Uganda.

Wednesday, 7 July 2004

Ouagadougou (Fides Service) - On Saturday 3 July the Archbishop of Ouagadougou, Archbishop Jean-Marie Compaoré, ordained six new priests in Ouagadougou cathedral. The Archbishop was assisted in the Ordination by Bishop Wenceslaw Compaoré of Manga and Bishop Thomas Kaboré of Kaya, and a good number of priests concelebrated.
The celebration was special because four of the new priests were from Ouagadougou: Father Martin Simporé, Father Mathieu Nicolas Koala, Father Bérenger Gustave Bouda, and Father Apollinaire Zombré. The other two were Camillian father. Charles Simon Pierre Kinda and White Father (Missionaries of Africa) Father Luc Kola At the end of the Mass Father Luc was given his missionary mandate to depart for mission in Uganda, as his Superiors decided. Father Luc comes from a large family his parents are protestants and they live in Ivory Coast. One of his nine brothers is a priest working in Gagnoa diocese. One of the four diocesan priests ordained will go to work in Manga diocese.
The long and meaningful liturgy animated by Ouagadougou cathedral choir and Kologh Naaaba choir was attended by crowds of people. Relations and friends expressed their congratulations to the new priests and prayed for a fruitful apostolate. (S.L.) (Agenzia Fides 7/7/2004; Righe 18 - Parole 237)
