AMERICA/BRAZIL - SIGNIS established in Brazil: “To promote a culture of peace via the media”

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Curitiba (Agenzia Fides) - The Catholic Association for Communication (SIGNIS Brazil), was established as a civil organization to bring together Catholic communicators from the largest South American countries. Present for this event were: the Vice President of SIGNIS Global, Gustavo Andujar; the Director of the Catholic Organization for Latin America and the Caribbean of Communication, OCLACC, Ilde Silver; and the Director of the SIGNIS service in Rome, Father Bernardo Suate.
During the act of incorporating the new association, Gustavo Adujar explained that SIGNIS is present in 130 countries and is characterized by the fact that it addresses the various areas of social communication. The Vice President of SIGNIS Global also said that the main objective of the Global Catholic Association for Communication is to promote a culture of peace through the media: “Walls and bridges are built with the same materials,” he said.
SIGNIS' status is consultant member of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and the Council of Europe, not to mention official recognition from the Holy See and the Global Catholic Association for Communication.
At the same event, shortly after, the director of OCLACC, Ilde Silver, emphasised that SIGNIS works in various countries through communication services to improve professional formation. “We work to promote understanding and coordination in the field of communication with priests, laity, pastoral care groups, and other communication systems,” he added. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 02/12/2010)
