AMERICA/BRAZIL - 3rd CIMI Seminar concludes on “Climate change and major projects”

Friday, 26 November 2010

Luziânia (Agenzia Fides) - The Third National Seminar on the Formation of the Indigenous Missionary Council (CIMI), which met in Luziânia (GO) from Monday, 22, on “Climate change and major projects”, concluded yesterday, 25 November. Tuesday, 23, economist and professor at the Catholic University of Ecuador, Pablo Dávalos, spoke of the failure that exists in living well: “Liberalism does not understand the good life. Marxism is inadequate to understand this concept.” According to the professor, the concept of living well is not sociological, but political. “This is a radical break with capitalism, because it says no to the commodification of nature and of man,” he emphasised. Dávalos has compared neoliberalism with post-neoliberalism, pointing out that there is firstly privatization and financial accumulation, while in the second phase comes the taking of territories, the sovereignty of the people and their environment.
In Latin America, what is happening now, according to Dávalos, is the criminalization of those who defend their own land, their own space. According to the professor, the situation is occurring in several countries, including Mexico, Ecuador, Bolivia, Guatemala and Brazil. On the second day, forest engineer and member of Via Campesina, Luiz Zarref, spoke of the origins and causes of environmental problems and the crisis that the world is going through, as well as the human impact on nature. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 26/11/2010)
