ASIA/CHINA - Reviving the mission of evangelization and commitment to pastoral care: the objectives of the sisters of the Annunciation of Mary in the Diocese of Yi Bin

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Yi Bin (Agenzia Fides) - The relationship between the congregation and the diocese, between the congregation and the parishes, the identity of the sisters, the spirituality of the consecrated life; these were the main themes of the pastoral meeting of the women religious from the diocesan Congregation of the Annunciation of Mary in the Diocese of Yi Bin, province of Si Chuan. According to Faith (He Bei) publication's report to Fides, the three-day meeting was held from 14 to 16 November, with the aim of relaunching and maximizing the mission of evangelization and the pastoral care of the congregation. Through prayer, sharing and exchange among the nuns, priests and laity of the diocesan community, it was reaffirmed that the consecrated life is “a window on Chinese society today, through which people recognize the image of the Church, of Christians.” And the sisters have “the duty to make this window bright and beautiful, allowing ordinary people to approach the Church and to know Christ.” In short, during the meeting a revision of the Statute of the Congregation was also made, to adapt “to the pastoral care needs and to the signs of the times.” Today the Diocese of Yi Bin (Suifu) in the province of Si Chuan has over 35,000 faithful, 6 priests, 13 women religious of the diocesan Congregation of the Annunciation of Mary, and 7 catechists. (NZ) (Agenzia Fides 23/11/2010)
