ASIA/PAKISTAN - Italy and the Holy See united in defence of Asia Bibi and of religious freedom throughout the world

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Rome (Agenzia Fides) – “Italy and the Holy See are united in the defence of freedom of worship and religion in the world, and also in the defence of dignity and human rights, as in the case of Asia Bibi”: Director for Cultural Cooperation with the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and newly appointed Italian Ambassador to the Holy See Francesco Greco strongly affirmed this in an exclusive interview with Fides.
Ambassador Greco – who will speak tomorrow at the presentation of the 2010 Report on Religious Freedom throughout the world, from the work “Aid to the Church in Need” - explained in a preview to Fides: “Above all in Asia Bibi's case, the woman's life should be protected; she is an innocent who has just defended her faith. Legally, it is necessary to encourage a movement of public opinion that would lead to reconsidering the offences of blasphemy and apostasy in Pakistan. On the political level we hope the discrete and decisive action taken by Minister Franco Frattini will be effective. He became a spokesperson of these instances both at a bilateral level and in multilateral fora such as the European Union and the United Nations.”
“Freedom of worship and the reciprocity of treatment of religious communities in various states of the world – continued the Ambassador – is a particularly topical and delicate issue. Italy has always spoken and worked for a greater commitment by the European Union and European governments for the protection of religious freedom and for greater protection of Christians from hostility, profoundly unacceptable, which is faced in some parts of the world. This is absolutely imperative for all EU member states. And it is a requirement of lay people: we do not defend someone just because they are Christian, but rather protecting a principal and inalienable right of the individual.”
The Ambassador – who will present his letter of credentials to the Pope in December – remarked to Fides that “today there are many issues on which Italy sides with the Holy See in the international arena: for example, the realization of the Millennium Development Goals, then the fight against poverty and endemic diseases; respect for freedom of worship and the protection of Christians in the world; the battle for the abolition of capital punishment; the dialogue between civilizations, cultures and religions. I would add other relevant issues such as the relationship between the Holy See and China or the recognition of the Christian roots of Europe, which is particularly dear to the Holy Father.” (PA) (Agenzia Fides 23/11/2010)
