VATICAN - The third Consistory of his Pontificate: "In the Church no one is the owner, but all are called, all are invited, all are met and guided by divine grace" 

Monday, 22 November 2010

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) – On Saturday morning, 20 November in the Vatican Basilica, the Holy Father Benedict XVI held an Ordinary Public Consistory, in the form of Liturgy of the Word, for the creation of 24 new Cardinals (see Fides 10/20/2010). After the proclamation of the Gospel, the Pope emphasized in his Homily that "the bond of particular communion and affection, which binds the new Cardinals to the Pope, makes them unique and precious cooperators with the high office entrusted by Christ to Peter, of shepherding his sheep, of bringing peoples together with the care of the love of Christ. And it is truly from this love that the Church is born, called to live and to journey according to the Lord's command, in which all the law and the prophets are reassumed".
Commenting on the Bible readings proclaimed, the Pope highlighted that the way ahead for those who want to be a disciple "is the way of the Master, is the way of total obedience to God. No man should calculate. He must simply abandon himself to God without demands, in conformity to his will." Then, recalling the act of Jesus calling the Twelve to "be with Him" before being sent, the Pope explained that this "clearly highlights that every ecclesial ministry is always a response to God's call. It is never the result of our own plan or our ambition... In the Church no one is the owner, but all are called, all are invited, all are met and guided by divine grace. And this is our assurance! Just listening again to the word of Jesus, who asks 'come and follow me', returning just to the original vocation it is possible to understand our own presence and mission in the Church as true disciples."
Reflecting on the mission of the Son of man, "who came to serve,"  in the palpable way of the Cross, and indicated it "as a condition of discipleship," the Pope said: "It is a message that applies to the Apostles, applies to the whole Church, and is especially true for those who have the responsibility to guide the People of God. It is not the logic of domination, of power according to human standards, but the logic of stooping to wash feet, the logic of service, the logic of the Cross which is the basis of any exercise of authority. In every age the Church is committed to conforming to this logic and to witnessing to it in order to reflect the true 'Sovereignty of God', that of love."
On Sunday, 21 November, the Solemnity of Christ the King, the Holy Father Benedict XVI presided over the Eucharistic Concelebration in St Peter's Basilica with the 24 new Cardinals upon whom he conferred the Ring of Cardinal. In his Homily, the Pope paused to meditate "on the ministry of the Bishop of Rome and on that bond with the Cardinals, in the light of the unique Kingship of Jesus our Lord."
"The first service of the Successor of Peter is that of faith," affirmed Benedict XVI recalling the experience of Peter's faith, "a faith initially bitter and still 'too human', but then, after Easter, mature and able to follow Christ to the end of giving himself; mature in the belief that Jesus is truly the King; that it is precisely because he remained on the Cross, and in that way he gave his life for sinners... Jesus can build his Church in us, in as much as he finds true faith in us, Pascal faith, faith that does not want Jesus to come down from the Cross, but is entrusted to Him on the Cross."
After noting that the Pope and Cardinals are called to be deeply united, "thinking and acting according to the logic of the Cross - and that this is never easy or predictable," Benedict XVI said that "the primacy of Peter and his Successors is totally at the service of this primacy of Jesus Christ, the one Lord; in the service of his Kingdom, that is his Lordship of love, so that it is brought and spread, renewing men and things, transforming the earth and bringing to bear peace and justice. " (SL) (Agenzia Fides 11/22/2010) 
