San Salvador (Agenzia Fides) – Salvadorans are paying tribute to the Jesuits killed 21 years ago at the hands of the military, with a series of cultural activities and the traditional parade of "Little Lanterns" (in Spanish, “farolitos”). "During the whole day of November 13, there will be groups and communities that will make designs with salt throughout the Universidad Centroamericana (UCA)," journalists were told by the Vice-Director of the “Monsignor Romero Center,” Rafael de Sivatte, who also gave news of the march of the "farolitos," the celebration of a Mass, and a vigil. According to Rafael de Sivatte, there are expected to be 10,000 attendants throughout the day, “from all parts of the country, rural farmers and intellectuals,” visitors from the United States, Spain, and other countries of Central America. In fact, five of the slain Jesuits were Spaniards.
During the vigil, they will read poems, sing songs, and perform local dances. "With these activities, we try to keep their memory and their presence alive. Their Christian option for the poor is still alive. It hasn't died," said de Sivatte, explaining that "on November 16 there will be a more sober act, an academic event at the university." There is also usually a Mass with the participation about 1,200 people.
The commemorative activities started last week, with an exhibition in memory of the Jesuit martyrs at the UCA Library. Among the acts is the cultural contribution of the Pontifical Javeriana University in Bogota, Colombia, with a documentary entitled "Chile."
The six Jesuits assassinated on November 16, 1989 were five Spaniards and one Salvadoran. Their cook and her daughter were also killed. The massacre was an act of revenge against the critical position of the priests, performed by the group Atlacatl of the Salvadoran army, when it fought against the Frente Farabundo Marti de Liberacion Nacional (FMLN). This organization later became a political party and has ruled the country since this past June. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 13/11/2010)