ASIA/INDIA - “Signs of love”: a new magazine of the Guanellians, in Tamil

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Rome (Agenzia Fides) – It is called Anbin Suvadugal, or "signs of love," and it's the new magazine published by the Guanellians in India, entirely in Tamil. "The aim of the initiative - said a note from Father Rajesh, responsible for communications of the Guanellians in India – is to spread the word about the charism of charity, the true gift of our founder, Blessed Luigi Guanella, in the Tamil language. The project, begun last year, has already seen the publication of 4 issues. "It's one way to introduce the Guanellian spirituality into society." The magazine is distributed, in fact, not only within the Province, but also to families, relatives, and neighbors that are in some way in contact with the Guanellians. There are about 600 subscribers at the moment. Inside the magazine, there are articles about the Guanellian spirituality, education, and mission, news and events from the Indian communities, and the contributions of those who receive the magazine. (AP) (Agenzia Fides 10/11/2010)
