Lima (Agenzia Fides) – The eleventh edition of the National Social Week, sponsored by the Catholic Church, has managed to attract the attention of many specialists in the field of economics and politics, not only in Peru, but also in Latin America. There were hundreds of participants at the conference that proposed the message of the Encyclical "Caritas in Veritate" for study and reflection and that has benefited from the presence of nationally and internationally recognized speakers (see Fides 25/10/2010 ).
Yesterday, there was a talk by the consultant of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace and former President of the International Monetary Fund, Michel Camdessus. He said that the world lives in a culture of profit, but we must seek an economic model that is oriented towards solidarity and generosity. He also stressed that the current financial crisis that hit the world is not just any crisis, but it is the first crisis of globalization. According to Camdessus, the financial crisis stems from several factors such as climate change, the food crisis, the energy crisis, and a "cultural crisis" that, in his analysis, is the most disturbing as well as the factor that society has given least importance. The financial crisis has its origin in the “lack of ethics” based on a culture that seeks quick returns, where man has reduced his life to a purely economic dimension. Faced with this situation, it is necessary to strengthen a culture of the common good, based on a global solidarity of respect for peoples.
From the note sent to Fides, we learn that Camdessus concluded with a list of a few things that should be taken into consideration for the future, in order to address the crisis: an ethical change; that all countries be held accountable for institutional weaknesses; the fight against poverty in collaboration with the family; the fight against corruption that affects our youth.
The XI National Social Week concludes today with a conference on the care of creation and peace-building, in light of the document of Aparecida and Caritas in Veritate. This report will be given by Archbishop Pedro Barreto Jimeno, SJ., Archbishop of Huancayo and President of the Episcopal Commission for Social Action, who will be accompanied by a group of guests including Bishop Richard Alarcón Urrutia of Tarma, and Mr. Pablo de la Flor, Vice-President of Antamina. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 29/10/2010)