ASIA/INDIA - Ayodhya split in two

Thursday, 30 September 2010

Luknow (Agenzia Fides) – A division of land between Hindus and Muslims: this is the verdict of the Court of Allahabad, a section of Luknow, with respect to the disputed site in the city of Ayodhya, where for centuries the Hindu and Muslim communities have been struggling for land to erect a mosque or a Hindu temple (see Fides 28/9/2010).
In the ruling, lawyers have informed, the Court sought a compromise that can hopefully lead to an agreement between the two communities and not lead instead to new violence in the country.
"We make a call for peace and non-violence to all Indian nationals and all people of good will, asking that everyone respect the ruling of the Court, giving an example of civility and a sense of the state. Meanwhile, we pray for social and religious harmony in the country," said Fr. Babu Joseph Karakombil, spokesman for the Bishops' Conference told Fides.
Meanwhile, with the release of the verdict, the government has deployed 200,000 troops in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh. Among the precautionary measures being taken is the arrest of about 10,000 potential provocateurs, while another 100,000 militants, both Hindu and Muslim, were made to sign a commitment not to incite chaos. In addition, there has also been an extended blocking of collective SMS and MMS on all mobile phones, as they have been used in the past to organize riots and demonstrations. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 30/09/2010)
