Escuintla (Agenzia Fides) – Caritas of the Diocese of Escuintla has sent Fides a detailed report of the situation in the country and the diocese, updated on September 29, after the damages caused by heavy rains in recent days.
The communities Lotes Linda Mar, Los Magueyes, and Barra Vieja have suffered the most from the flooding of the Achiguate River in the first week of September, when it overflowed in “Variedades,” at kilometer 96 of the Escuintla-Puerto San José highway. Consequently, the heavy rains of a normal winter have been enough to flood the street and surrounding area. The arrival of Tropical Storm Mathew has further deteriorated the situation. The floods are caused by the change in direction of the Achiguate River and the phenomenon is a serious one, as it occurs without the river reaching the alert level.
The Caritas report shows that the 280 water wells were contaminated by the floods. In Puerto de Iztapa, there are 3,130 displaced people. In Nueva Concepcion, there are 3,954 displaced. There have been several landslides: at km 302, in the jurisdiction of San Pedro Necta, in Huehuetenango, at kilometer 171 of the Inter-American highway, near the town of Totonicapán; at km 5 of the road from Mataquescuintla to Jalapa, and at km 24, the road to El Salvador, the municipality of Villa Canales.
Flooding occurred in the areas of Tactic, Alta Verapaz, where the Cahabón River overflowed, causing damage to 5 homes in the community of Chacal: 35 people were forced to evacuate and take shelter in makeshift shelters. In Parrachot, as well, 4 houses have been damaged and there are 14 displaced persons. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 30/09/2010)