Machala (Agenzia Fides) – Migration Week, held in Ecuador, September 12 to 19 under the theme of "Children, Adolescents, and Migration" and the slogan "I am looking for my dreams," began with a grand march led by a large banner that read: "For Migration With Human Rights." The march started from Los Héroes Park in the city of Machala and went to the Cathedral of Machala, which is located near the border with Peru.
According to information received by Fides, the Migration Week 2010 aims at spreading awareness so as to contribute to the safety and rights of children and adolescents involved in the process of migration. During these days, there will be Eucharistic celebrations, marches, workshops, film forums, conferences, cultural exhibitions, food fairs, mini sports championships, all with the participation of local people and people involved in migration processes. This activity has taken place for 16 years and is promoted by Caritas and Migrant Pastoral Ministry in Ecuador.
On September 1, Migration Ministry of Ecuador and Peru met in Guayaquil to share experiences and plan joint activities for the promotion and protection of individual rights in situations of mobility in the Ecuador-Peru border area. Bishops, priests, and pastoral workers were present at the meeting.
Between 2000 and 2006, about 900,000 Ecuadorians (mostly youth) have left the country in search of a better future for themselves and their families. Ecuador, in turn, has received at least 450,000 Colombians in the country, both legally and illegally. Ecuador has also accepted some 300,000 Peruvians who have come in search of a better job.
The Pastoral Care of Migrants is promoted in the spirit of the Document of Aparecida, where among other things it states that "the reality of migration should never be seen only as a problem, but as a great resource for humanity's journey" (DA 413). (CE) (Agenzia Fides 14/09/2010)