Cuzco (Agenzia Fides) – Fides received today news about preparations in the archdiocese of Cuzco, in Peru, for the 2nd archdiocesan Holy/Missionary Childhood Congress in which hundreds of children members of Holy Childhood and adult animators are expected to participate.
With the slogan "Friends of Jesus, let's spread Hope", more than 500 Holy Childhood children and 100 animators will take part in the 2nd archdiocesan Holy/Missionary Childhood Congress on 21 August. The event, organised by the Holy Childhood archdiocesan commission, will be held in the auditorium of San Francisco de Asis College in the city centre.
The aim of the 2nd archdiocesan Holy/Missionary Childhood Congress is to increase missionary spirit among children and lead them to become friends of Jesus and to help more children become friends of Jesus. The programme will include talks and meetings. The Archbishop of Cuzco, Mgr Juan Antonio Ugarte, will preside special Mass to open the Congress and the event will close with a cultural display of songs, group performances, testimonials and prayers for the wellbeing of children all over the world. Special prayer intentions will be for children suffering extreme cold in Cuzco, in southern Peru and in other parts of Latin America.
(CE) (Agenzia Fides, 31/07/2010)