EUROPE/ITALY - Summer serving others: young people and families on mission

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Rome (Agenzia Fides) - Gioventù e Famiglia Missionaria is an international organisation promoted by the Catholic Church Movement Regnum Christi, present in over 20 different countries. Each year in July and August it organises humanitarian, medical and evangelising missions in various parts of the world, bringing together hundreds of young people and families in a great effort to serve others. A group of Italian volunteers will go, as usual, to Mexico. From 28 July to 20 August 2010 the volunteers will be on mission in the states of Querétaro, Quintana Roo e Estado de Mexico. This year about fifty individuals, families and young people aged 17 to 28, will devote the Summer to serving people in need. The mission will take place in rural villages with situations of major hardship and poverty. The missionaries will work at various levels: distributing, food, clothing and basic necessities, building homes and small infrastructures, providing human and Christian formation for young people, families, the elderly and organising games for children. A special team of doctors, nurses and student of medicine will open temporary dispensaries offering free medical examination and treatment for poor people.
(AP) (27/7/2010 Agenzia Fides)
