AMERICA/EL SALVADOR - The Church calls for dialogue to address the issue of vendors expelled from the capital

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

San Salvador (Agenzia Fides) – The Catholic Church in El Salvador today said frank dialogue was necessary to solve the problem of hundreds of street vendors expelled from the capital, a measure which came in force on 17 June provoking strong protests. According to a report sent to Fides, on Sunday 20 June, Bishop Gregorio Rosa Chavez, auxiliary of San Salvador, said it was important to reorganise the capital, but this must including finding a fair and fast solution to the question of ousted street vendors. At a media conference the Bishop recalled that most vendors struggle to feed their families, in a context of high cost of living and scarcity of permanent jobs.
The mayor of San Salvador started the re-organisation of the capital in May with violent expulsion of street vendors and confiscation of goods. The situation degenerated in a series of violent protests, acts of vandalism and clashes between anti-riot police and the vendors. More than 30 people were arrested.
Bishop Rosa Chavez condemned the use of force by the police as a solution to the problem: “It is indispensable to distinguish between demonstrators and others who appeared to follow a well orchestrated plan, in which violence was an essential element”. According to Bishop Rosa Chavez this protest is a “desperate cry” a call for sincere dialogue in a spirit of social sensitivity, “to achieve the formation of public policies based on justice” for the overall solution of the problem. (CE) (Agenzia Fides, 22/06/2010)
