ASIA/CAMBODIA - After 20 years of service to the needy: Caritas activity receives new impulse

Thursday, 17 June 2010

Phnom Penh (Agenzia Fides) – More than 16 million dollars to be spent over the next five years for programmes of solidarity, cooperation and development for disadvantaged people and poor communities: this was announced in a statement sent to Fides by Caritas Cambodia which has just concluded celebrations to mark the 20th anniversary of its foundation.
In 20 years of activity Caritas Cambodia has extended its areas of intervention considerably: emergencies, especially humanitarian disasters; programmes for economic and social development in rural communities; programmes of awareness building regarding gender equality and equal opportunities for men and women and promotion of social justice.
The Cambodian government, in the person of the deputy Prime Minister Men Sam An, congratulated Caritas for its activity, praising the competence, dedication and efficiency of Caritas Cambodia programmes to reduce poverty with interventions in the field of professional training, farming, education and healthcare.
For his part Bishop Enrique Figaredo, Apostolic Prefect of di Battambang and president of Caritas Cambodia said “Caritas aims to launch programmes of community growth and development in order to help people earn their own living. As a result of this effort, we see communities becoming industrious, improvement of professional, technical and human capacities, building up of self esteem, all of which help improve conditions and quality of life ”.
Following the dark years of Red Khmer rule, in 1990 Caritas Cambodia was reorganised with the help of the Rome based Caritas Internationalis and Caritas France, in cooperation with the Cambodian government. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 17/6/2010)
