ASIA/CHINA - Consolidate the faith and nurture pastoral zeal: Theology Seminar for priests in Feng Xiang

Thursday, 17 June 2010

Feng Xiang (Agenzia Fides) – Consolidate the faith and nurture pastoral zeal were the main goals of a Theology Seminar organised for priests in the diocese of Feng Xiang, Shaan Xi province of mainland China, and held at the close of the Year for Priests. According to information sent to Fides, the week of meetings, organised by the diocesan Pastoral Commission, was open to all the priests of the diocese and the speakers were chosen from among priests who completed their studies abroad in recent years. The theme for reflection was “the priestly life, pastoral and evangelising theology ”. The Seminar was presided by the diocesan Bishop Li Jing Feng, among the Synod fathers invited by Pope Benedict XVI to take part in the Synod of Bishops on the Eucharist held in Rome in 2005, although, sad to say, he was unable to make the journey. The elderly Bishop explained with great precision a “Pastoral Manual for Diocesan Priest”, and he led prayers of Adoration in front of the Blessed Sacrament and a solemn procession on the feast of the Sacred Heart, celebrating the close of the Year for Priests in communion with the universal Church and in front of an icon of the patron saint of parish priests Saint Jean Marie Vianney. Senior priests presided daily Masses in turn, speakers illustrated themes connected with the mission of priests and offered in depth reflection on the Vatican II decree Presbyterorum Ordinis on the Ministry and Life of Priests. A women religious shared with the priests her experience of a life lived in the “light of prayer”. (NZ) (Agenzia Fides 17/06/2010 - righe 23; parole 232)
