EUROPE/ITALY - Capuchin Friars in the world: 10,519 in 106 different nations on all five continents

Saturday, 12 June 2010

Rome (Agenzia Fides) - According to the most recent figures available, on 31 December 2009 the number of Capuchin Friars in the world was 10,519, a figure which showed a slight decrease compared with the previous year (10,590 on 31 December 2008). In detail the numbers can be split as follows: postulants 640, novices 346, temporary professions 1,585, perpetual professions 8,934 (priests 6,939, permanent deacons 15, transiting deacons 157, lay friars 3,321). Compared with the previous year the number of postulants and priests grew as follows: postulants from 558 to 640; priests from 6,855 to 6,939; whereas the other categories registered a decrease. The Capuchin Friars include 87 archbishops and bishops, one of whom is a Cardinal.
Present in 106 countries (2 more compared with the previous annual report) from all five of the world's continent, the Capuchin Friars are distributed follows: Africa 1,354; Latin America 1,762; North America 682; Asia-Oceania: 2,196; western Europe 3,755; eastern Europe 770. Compared with the previous year the Capuchin Friars increased in Africa, Latin America and Asia-Oceania, whereas the numbers decreased in north America and Europe.
Once again the latest figures show that Capuchin novices are more numerous in Asia-Oceania (124), followed by southern America (82), Africa (67), western Europe (37) eastern Europe (26), and north America (10). (S.L.) (Agenzia Fides 12/6/2010).
