EUROPE/ITALY - Child abuse denigrates minors and marks them for life

Saturday, 12 June 2010

Rome (Agenzia Fides) - Today, 12 June, is the annual Day Against Child Labour. An estimated 215 million of the world's children are forced to work in order to survive, more than 115 million in conditions of total exploitation, 60% engaged in farm work. Labour denigrates children, denies fundamental rights, endangers health and marks them for life. Between 2004 and 2008 the percentage of child workers aged 15 to 17 increased by 20%, rising from 52 to 62 million. Millions of adults all over the world turn a blind eye to this drama which affects children in many different countries where, despite laws which punish those responsible for this abuse, the authorities choose not to act seeing the profit which comes from abusing the most vulnerable. In many countries, especially in Asia, children are traded for prostitution, for pornography, others are forced to fight in wars; all are denied the right to education and marked for life. (AP) (12/6/2010 Agenzia Fides).
