Rome (Agenzia Fides) – The Consolata Missionaries have been in Mexico for a year now. Precisely in the same week as the feast of Blessed Joseph Allamano, founder of the Consolata Missionaries, who died February 16, 1926 and that John Paul II declared "Blessed" on October 7, 1990, the group of missionaries, together with Fr. António Fernandes, Continental Councilor for America, are coming together to assess their work and to organize the future of their presence in this country.
During this first year, the Consolata Missionaries in Mexico (4 priests and 2 lay people, divided into two communities), have sought to understand and study the Mexican reality, starting with two Roman Catholic Archdioceses (Tuxtla Gutierrez, created October 27, 1964 and Guadalajara, created July 13, 1548). There have been several meetings to share and evaluate their path so far. This foundation in Mexico, initiated by the XI General Chapter of the Missionaries of the Consolata, fits into and responds to the plan of the Continental Mission established by the Aparecida Conference. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 17/02/2010)