VATICAN - Pope at Caritas Shelter: “The witness of charity belongs to the mission of the Church together with the proclamation of the Gospel.”

Monday, 15 February 2010

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - “Know that the Church loves you deeply and will not abandon you, because it recognizes in the countenance of each of you that of Christ.” This is what the Holy Father Benedict XVI said to those “who find themselves in poverty and indigence” and stay at the Caritas of Rome Shelter “Don Luigi Di Liegro” at Stazione Termini. The Pope visited the Shelter on the morning of Sunday, February 14. “The witness of charity, which in this place finds particular realization, belongs to the mission of the Church together with the proclamation of the Gospel,” the Pontiff said in his address. “Man does not only need to be fed materially or helped to overcome moments of difficulty, but also has the necessity of knowing who he is and knowing the truth about himself, about his dignity...The Church, with its service on behalf of the poor, is therefore charged to proclaim to all the truth about man, who is loved by God, created in his image, redeemed by Christ and called to eternal communion with him. Many people have thus wanted to rediscover, and are rediscovering, their dignity, sometimes lost in tragic events, and recover confidence in themselves and hope in the future.”
To the volunteers working at the Shelter, the Pope “have before your eyes and your heart Jesus' example, who for love became our servant and loved us 'to the end,' to the cross. So, be joyous witnesses of the infinite charity of God and, imitating the example of the Deacon St. Lawrence, consider these friends of yours one of the most valuable treasures of your life.”
In his address, the Holy Father recalled that his visit was taking place during the “European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion,” established by the European Parliament and the European Commission. He encouraged “not only Catholics, but every man of good will, especially those who have responsibility in public administration and the different institutions, to commit themselves to the building of a future worthy of man, rediscovering in charity the propulsive force for an authentic development and for the realization of a more just and fraternal society.”
Lastly, after highlighting that “the hostel concretely manifests that the Christian community, through its own organizations and without the truth that it proclaims being diminished, usefully collaborates with civil institutions to promote the common good,” the Holy Father mentioned that “in its service to persons in difficulty the Church is wholly moved by the desire to express her faith in that God who is the defender of the poor and who loves every man for what he is and not for that which he possesses or does. The Church lives in history with the awareness that the anxieties and needs of men, of the poor above all and all those who suffer, are also among the disciples of Christ and for this reason, in respect to the responsibilities of the state, it takes care that every human being be guaranteed what he is owed.” Concluding his address, the Pontiff said: “for Rome the hostel of the diocesan "Caritas" is a place where love is not only a word or a sentiment, but a concrete reality, which allows God's light to enter into the life of men and the whole civil community.” (SL) (Agenzia Fides 15/02/2010)
