VATICAN - At Angelus, Pope mentions missionaries killed in Africa: “they were faithful witnesses of the Gospel, which they knew how to proclaim, even at the risk of their own lives.” Invites all to “try to live every day what the crèche represents”

Monday, 14 December 2009

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - “This week I received sad news from certain countries in Africa about the murder of four missionaries: the priests, Father Daniel Cizimya, Father Louis Blondel and Father Gerry Roche, and Sister Denise Kahambu,” the Holy Father Benedict XVI said after having recited the Angelus on Sunday, December 13. “They were faithful witnesses of the Gospel, which they knew how to proclaim, even at the risk of their own lives. As I express nearness to their families and communities, who are grieving, I invite everyone to join in my prayer that the Lord welcome them into his house, console those who weep for them and bring them reconciliation and peace with his coming.”
In his address given prior to the Angelus, Benedict XVI reflected on the subject of joy, which characterizes the liturgy of the Third Sunday of Advent: “Mother Church, while she accompanies us toward the holy season of Christmas, helps us to rediscover the sense and the taste of Christian joy, so different from the world's joy.” He also greeted the many children of Rome who had come to Saint Peter's Square to have the Pope bless their little creche figures of Baby Jesus. The Pope reminded them that “it is necessary to try to live every day what the crèche represents, that is, Christ's love, his humility, his poverty.” “The crèche is a school of life, where we can learn the secret of true joy. This does not consist in having a lot of things, but in feeling loved by the Lord, in making oneself a gift for others, in loving.” (SL) (Agenzia Fides 14/12/2009)
