EUROPE/ITALY - A Permanent Coordination Table for National Associations promoted by CNOS - National Center for Salesian Societies

Friday, 6 November 2009

Rome (Agenzia Fides) – The national associations promoted by the CNOS (National Center for Salesian Societies) has established a Permanent Coordination Table for create a tighter bond among the various organizations of the Salesian Family. In Italy, there are 7 national associations that work in formation, education, and human development for thousands of youth in difficult situations, daily committed to social justice, solidarity, cooperation, development, protecting human rights and the environment, fighting illness and poverty, in sports and in recreational activities.
“Today, there is a great demand of common intention and desire of those working in Salesian Associations to experience a greater integration into the system of Salesian Youth Ministry,” said Fr. Luigi Perrelli, President of the CNOS, “and the specific task of evangelization and human development. Perhaps this comes, above all, from the profound need to find a significant pastoral activity and a sense of concrete efficiency in working and being an Association linked to a Congregation such as the Salesians. Likeewise, there is also a desire to reinforce the capacity together, create scale economics, giving greater strength to the services placed in common.” (SL) (Agenzia Fides 6/11/2009)
