EUROPE/GERMANY - New initiative from the Holy Childhood Association in Germany, for the feast of Saint Martin, to support a center for handicapped youth in South Africa

Friday, 6 November 2009

Aachen (Agenzia Fides) – For the feast of Saint Martin of Tours, celebrated on November 11 and very popular in Germany, the Holy Childhood Association in Germany (known as “Die Sternsinger”) is offering a new initiative for children ages 3-8 years, in kindergartens, elementary schools, and parish groups throughout the nation, as Agenzia Fides learned from the National Director's Office for the Holy Childhood Association in Germany. Inspired by the legend of the geese that led the way to St. Martin's hiding place, so that he could be made Bishop of Tours (France), a wild goose has been chosen as the symbol of the event, telling of his trips around the world, of the injustices that children suffer today, to encourage the children to share with their peers.
The material available from the Pontifical Society for teachers and missionary animators can be downloaded from the Internet and later be used in workshops with the children. The material includes a brochure that shows several projects for helping the Sizanani Center for handicapped youth, near Pretoria (South Africa), where there are 60 children and youth with mental and physical disorders, from ages 7-30, many of whom are orphans. The material also suggests having a special Mass for the children.
According to tradition, the German dioceses remind all schools and parishes of the feast of Saint Martin, with a candlelight procession, songs, and theatrical performances, many times including the story of the cloke that the then-soldier Martin gave to a beggar he met on the road, to present his example of Christian charity and selflessness. (MS) (Agenzia Fides 6/11/2009)
