AMERICA/BOLIVIA - Jesus' message “is communicated to us and calls us to be messengers of God's love” - Bishop Oscar Aparicio's homily on World Mission Sunday

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

La Paz (Agenzia Fides) - “We are called to fill ourselves with God's love so we can transmit it to others,” as it becomes “part of our nature.” This is what Auxiliary Bishop Oscar Aparicio of La Paz said in the homily he gave on World Mission Sunday. Commenting the Gospel for the day, the Prelate affirmed that “God invites us to be witnesses and messengers of this Word, which is the presence of God,” and is “very eloquent and clear.” We also “know the Lord's mission, that He came to be present in this world with his love.” Jesus' message “is communicated to us and calls us to be messengers of God's love.”
Making reference to the Aparecida Conference, the Auxiliary Bishop of La Paz considers this moment to be “very opportune,” as we are all called to be “missionary disciples of the Lord” and “servants so that the Kingdom of God may become present in the world.” “Our reason for being in this world is to spread the word of God's mercy,” and “what the Lord has done through our baptism is enable us to become authentic witnesses, not for personal gain or honors or acclamation,” but to announce that “He comes to save us; He offers His life and gives us His love and His grace.” All members of the diocesan community are invited to receive “the Eternal and High Priest,” “making every effort to know Him more and more,” to be his “missionaries and messengers.” In fact, Jesus “needs to be preached, presented, explained to our community and our families,” the Prelate concluded. (GT) (Agenzia Fides 21/10/2009)
