EUROPE - MISSION AND EMIGRATION - “A Suitcase with String”: Who is raiding the villages of profound poverty to auction plundered meat?

Friday, 3 July 2009

Rome (Agenzia Fides) - Today it is almost as if we were ashamed of our models, our cultures our civilisations based on democracy. Almost as it we were weighed down by a complex of the mistakes, or better, the horrors, the slavery of colonial times, when Arabs raided black villages to sell to Christian merchants. What has changed since then?
Who is raiding the villages of profound poverty to auction plundered meat?
Perhaps we are fleeing from a reply which might surprise us revealing the reality of the person who cares for our mother with dedication and professionality, giving her the love which we withhold absorbed in a life swiftly emptied of values and loves. Well! We might discover that our mother's carer has a regular work permit for which we pay, probably she is a silent slave. Little of the little we pay her, remains for herself, humble, irreplaceable, honest worker, burdened by a debt which will pursue her for the rest of her life. (Luca De Mata) (television programme trailer “La valigia con lo spago”: a series of 4 programmes: an investigation into migratory flows and new slavery in the world: Rai Uno beginning 29 June, 2nd evening feature). (Agenzia Fides 24/6/2009; righe 14, parole 223)). (Agenzia Fides 3/7/2009; righe 14, parole 223)
