VATICAN - Programme of the apostolic visit of the Holy Father Benedict XVI to the Czech Republic (26-28 September)

Friday, 3 July 2009

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) – The Press Office of the Holy See has made public the programme of the apostolic visit of the Holy Father Benedict XVI to the Czech Republic, which will take place from 26-28 September.
The Holy Father will depart at 9.20am from Ciampino Airport for Prague. At the 11.30am a welcome ceremony will take place at Prague's Stará Ruzyně International Airport, followed by a visit to the Holy Child Jesus of Prague in the church of Santa Maria of Victories. The afternoon programme will include: a courtesy visit to the President of the Republic, a meeting with political and civil authorities and with the Diplomatic Corps, then the celebration of Vespers with the local clergy, religious, seminarians and members of lay Church Movements at St. Vitus, St. Wenceslas and St. Adalbert Cathedral
Sunday 27 September at 8.45am the Holy Father will fly from Stará Ruzyně International Airport to Brno, where he is set to arrive at 9.20am. At 10am there will be a of Holy Mass in the grounds of Brno's Tuřany Airport followed by the recitation of the Angelus. The Pope will then fly back to Prague. Afternoon engagements include an Ecumenical Meeting in the Throne Hall of the Archbishop's Residence in Prague, and later a Meeting with the Academic World in Salon Vladislav in Prague Castle.
Monday 28 September the Holy Father will visit the church of St. Wenceslas at Stará Boleslav and at alle ore 9.45am he will celebrate Mass on the liturgical feast of Saint Wenceslas, the patron saint of the Czech Republic, in a Square along the Melnik Road at Stará Boleslav. At the end of Mass there will be a Message for young people. After the farewell ceremony at 5.15pm at Stará Ruzyně International Airport, the Pope and his entourage will depart for Rome. The arrival at Ciampino is scheduled for 7.50pm . (S.L.) (Agenzia Fides 3/7/2009; righe 22, parole 294)
