VATICAN - At the Angelus on June 28 the Holy Father underlines that “Saint Paul is an example of a priest totally identified with his ministry - as the saintly Cure of Ars would be in later times -, aware that he carries an inestimable treasure, that is the message of salvation, but that he carries it within a vessel of clay "

Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) – The closing of the Year of St Paul and the recent opening of the Year of the Priest were the subject of the Holy Father Benedict XVI's reflection before leading the recitation of the Angelus with people gathered in St Peter's Square on Sunday 28 June. The year of St Paul “was truly a time of grace in which, through pilgrimages, catechesis, numerous publications and various initiatives, the figure of St Paul was re-proposed to the whole Church and everywhere in Christian communities his vibrant message vivified passion for Christ and for the Gospel” said the Holy Father, inviting those present to thank God for the “Year of St Paul and all the spiritual gifts it brought with it”.
Benedict XVI then recalled that a few days ago, on 19 June, solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Year of the Priesthood was inaugurated. “As I wrote in the special letter addressed to priests, the intention is to foster interior renewal among all priest that they may render stronger and more effective witness to the Gospel in the world today. The Apostle Paul constitutes in this regard a splendid model to imitate not so much in concreteness of life - his life in fact was extraordinary – but instead in love for Christ, zeal for announcing the Gospel, dedication to the community, elaboration of an effective synthesis of pastoral theology. “Saint Paul is an example of a priest totally identified with his ministry - as the saintly Cure of Ars would be in later times -, aware that he carries an inestimable treasure, that is the message of salvation, but that he carries it within a vessel of clay " (cfr 2 Cor 4,7); therefore he is strong and humble at the same time, profoundly convinced that the merit for everything goes to God and to God's grace. ‘We are possessed by love for Christ – the Apostle writes, and this might well be a motto for every priest, ‘conquered’ by the Spirit (cfr Acts 20,22) and modelled into a faithful administrator of the mysteries of God (cfr 1 Cor 4,1-2): the priest must belong totally to Christ and totally to the Church, to which he is called to dedicate himself with undivided love, like a faithful husband is dedicated to his bride.”
Before the Marian prayer of the Angelus, the Pontiff invoked the intercession of Saints Peter and Paul and the Blessed Virgin Mary, “to obtain abundant blessings for priests in the Year of the Priesthood which has just begun. May Our Lady, whom St Jean Marie loved and made loved, today help every priest to vivify the gift received from God which is in him by virtue of his Holy Ordination, that he may grow in holiness and be ready to bear witness and if necessary for martyrdom, to the beauty of total and lasting consecration to Christ and to the Church ”. (S.L.) (Agenzia Fides 30/6/2009; righe 30, parole 459)
