VATICAN - Pope at the Angelus: “The 'name' of the Most Holy Trinity is in a certain way impressed upon everything that exists, because everything that exists, down to the least particle, is a being in relation, and thus this God-relation shines forth, ultimately creative Love shines forth.”

Monday, 8 June 2009

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - “Today we contemplate the Most Holy Trinity as it was made know to us by Jesus. He revealed to us that God is love 'not in the unity of a single person, but in the Trinity of a single substance' (Preface): the Trinity is Creator and merciful Father; Only Begotten Son, eternal Wisdom incarnate, dead and risen for us; it is finally the Holy Spirit, who moves everything, cosmos and history, toward the final recapitulation.” With these words, the Holy Father Benedict XVI addressed the faithful gathered in Saint Peter's Square, prior to the recitation of the Angelus on Sunday, June 7, Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity.
“Three Persons who are one God because the Father is love, the Son is love, the Spirit is love. God is love and only love, most pure, infinite and eternal love. The Trinity does not live in a splendid solitude, but is rather inexhaustible font of life that unceasingly gives itself and communicates itself. We can in some way intuit this, whether we observe the macro-universe: our earth, the planets, the stars, the galaxies; or the micro-universe: cells, atoms, elementary particles. The 'name' of the Most Holy Trinity is in a certain way impressed upon everything that exists, because everything that exists, down to the least particle, is a being in relation, and thus God-relation shines forth, ultimately creative Love shines forth. All comes from love, tends toward love, and is moved by love, naturally, according to different grades of consciousness and freedom,” the Pope explained.
After quoting Psalm 8: “O Lord, our Lord, / how wondrous is your name over all the earth!” (Psalm 8:2), Benedict XVI highlighted that “the strongest proof that we are made in the image of the Trinity is this: only love makes us happy, because we live in relation, and we live to love and be loved. Using an analogy suggested by biology, we could say the human “genome” is profoundly imprinted with the Trinity, of God-Love.” Lastly, he called upon the intercession of the Virgin Mary, who “accepted the will of the Father and conceived the Son by the work of the Holy Spirit,” and is thus, “mirror of the Most Holy Trinity,” asking that she help us to grow in the faith of the Trinitarian mystery. (SL) (Agenzia Fides 08/06/2009)
