AMERICA/BOLIVIA - Bishops' Conference initiates restructuring, towards a renewed pastoral activity of collaboration

Friday, 5 June 2009

La Paz (Agenzia Fides) – The Bolivian Bishops' Conference (CEB) has begun the process of restructuring, a process that has been in the workings for three years and is now taking effect, a report from Fr. Eugenio Scarpellini, Secretary Adjunct of the CEB.
The motivations that have led the Bishops to carry out this process come from Aparecida, in which the Church called for a renewal in the area of pastoral activity, a new spirit, and a desire to place the Church in a permanent state of mission, so that every baptized person can discover his identity as a child of God and his mission. As the Latin American Bishops' Council (CELAM) works with a structure that differs from that of the CEB, the CEB is seeking to adjust its structure to that of CELAM. “The Bishops' Conference is promoting a renewal that can better meet the present challenges of the Church, and as the current structure is from twenty years ago, it is necessary to change some things so that we can meet these new challenges,” the Secretary Adjunct said.
Pastoral Coordination is a priority for the Church, as it is important in identifying the Church's needs and meeting those needs in pastoral care.
According to the Secretary Adjunct, the process of restructuring began with the project proposal presented to the Assembly of Bishops and the various meetings of the Bishops' Permanent Council and it was during the last Assembly (April 2009) that the project was approved. The plan calls for three main work areas: Evangelization (on themes regarding the liturgy, ecumenical dialogue, culture, mission, and catechesis); Ecclesial Communion (on attention to families, youth, clergy, consecrated life, movements, etc.); Human Promotion (education, human mobility, prison ministry, works of charity, etc.). Each area is called to work together and with coordination.
As an initial step, the Executive Secretaries were asked to present their resignations. The CEB has accepted these renunciations and for the time being, they have been given one month's time for the Bishops to reflect on the collaborators that would be reconsidered or replaced, Fr. Scarpellini.
Lastly, the Secretary Adjunct of the CEB spoke on behalf of the Bishops, mentioning their gratitude for the Executive Secretaries, who “have worked until now for many years, with generosity, dedication, and have surely aided the Church in Bolivia to progress amidst the challenges. We are truly grateful for their efforts and hard work and ask the Lord to continue blessing them.” (RG) (Agenzia Fides 5/6/2009)
