ASIA/SOUTH KOREA - The Church in prayer for peace, stability, and the common good of the Korean nation

Monday, 4 May 2009

Seoul (Agenzia Fides) – The Catholic Church is trying to offer a significant contribution, on a spiritual and material level, for peace, stability, and the common good of the Korean nation. This was the affirmation made by Catholic faithful who gathered for a “Special Prayer for Korean Society,” an initiative that took place in recent days, sponsored by the Conference of Major Superiors of Religious Institutes in Korea. The prayer encounter was attended by numerous religious, but also by priests and laity who joined in praying for the nation and society, which is being effected by consumerism, secularism, and by selfishness and indifference towards the poor.
The religious, missionaries, and laity present recalled that “prayer is a powerful instrument given to man from God” and prayed that “Christians may be witnesses through their observance and practice of the Gospel.”
The religious, in particular, “are called to be faithful to the spirit of the Gospel, in their own charism.” All should feel implied in the “prayer for the poor and marginalized, in defense of life; in respect for creation; in prayer and reconciliation for the Korean nation, and for peace between North and South Korea; in promoting religious vocations among the youth.” The assembly mentioned that the Church, in all its components, tries to work on a pastoral level for the reconciliation and reunification of the two Koreas.
The religious, in addition, are “called to carry out a daily examination of conscience for continual interior renewal” and should make a contribution to the growth of the Church in Korea, “promoting the spiritual growth of the faithful, contributing to education, working on pastoral activities and in evangelization efforts, in cooperation with the dioceses.” (PA) (Agenzia Fides 4/5/2009)
