VATICAN - Benedict XVI at the Regina Caeli encourages faithful to “pray a lot for vocations” and for his trip to the Holy Land: “I will be a pilgrim of peace, in the name of the one God, Father of all.”

Monday, 4 May 2009

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - “As much personally as in community, we have to pray a lot for vocations, so that the greatness and the beauty of the love of God attracts many to follow Christ on the path of the priesthood and the consecrated life. It is also necessary to pray as well so that there are holy spouses, capable of indicating to their children, above all by example, the horizons to which they should tend toward with their liberty.” This was the exhortation made by the Holy Father Benedict XVI prior to his recitation of the Regina Caeli with the faithful and pilgrims gathered in Saint Peter's Square on Sunday, May 3.
Recalling his message for the World Day of Prayer for Vocations, with the theme: “Faith in the Divine Initiative -- the Human Response,” the Pope highlighted that “trust in the Lord, which continuously calls to sanctity and, for some in particular, to a special consecration, is expressed precisely in prayer,” and that “The men and women saints that the Church proposes for the veneration of all the faithful give witness to the mature fruit of this union between the divine call and the human response.”
“There is another intention for which I invite you to pray today: the trip to the Holy Land that I will make, God willing, next Friday, May 8 through Friday, May 15. Following the footsteps of my venerable predecessors Paul VI and John Paul II, I will go on pilgrimage to the principle holy places of our faith. With my visit, I propose to confirm and encourage the Christians of the Holy Land, who must daily confront many difficulties. As a successor of the Apostle Peter, I will show the closeness and support of the whole body of the Church. Moreover, I will be a pilgrim of peace, in the name of the one God, Father of all. I will give witness to the Catholic Church's commitment in favor of those who work to practice dialogue and reconciliation, to arrive to a stable and lasting peace in justice and mutual respect. Finally, this trip will necessarily have notable ecumenical and interreligious significance. Jerusalem is, from this point of view, the symbolic city par excellence: There Christ died so as to reunite all of the dispersed children of God (cf. John 11:52).”
After the Marian prayer, in greeting the Spanish-speaking pilgrims, the Holy Father expressed his closeness and prayers for “the victims of the flu that is affecting Mexico and other countries,” inviting the Mexican faithful to remain steadfast in the Lord, who “will help you to overcome this difficulty.” To the Italian-speaking groups, the Pope mentioned two initiatives: the Youth Missionary Covention of the Pontifical Mission Societies, and the Day for Child Victims of Violence, sponsored by the “Meter” Association. (SL) (Agenzia Fides 4/5/2009)
