VATICAN - Program for Benedict XVI's visit to the earthquake victims of Abruzzo

Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) – The Holy See Press Office has released the program for the Holy Father Benedict XVI's visit to the area in Abruzzo struck by the earthquake, on Tuesday, April 28.
The Pope will arrive at the camp set up near the village of Onna at 9.30 a.m. before going on to the city of L'Aquila where he will visit the student hall of residence and the basilica of Collemaggio, to venerate the relics of Celestino V and place a Papal Pallium in homage. He will then move on to the barracks of the "Guardia di Finanza" where he will meet with representatives of the local people, including the local leaders and parish priests, and the rescue workers. He will end his visit with the recitation of the Regina Caeli. In front of the statue of Our Lady of the “Roio,” Our Lady of the Cross – brought for the occasion – the Pope will place a golden rose. At 12 noon, Benedict XVI will travel by helicopter to the Vatican, observing the earthquake area from the plane. (SL) (Agenzia Fides 21/4/2009)
