VATICAN - Benedict XVI tells members of the Franciscan Order: “Go and continue 'rebuilding the house' of Our Lord Jesus Christ, His Church. Like Francis, begin with yourselves. We are the first houses that God wants to rebuild.”

Monday, 20 April 2009

Castel Gandolfo (Agenzia Fides) - “Go and continue 'rebuilding the house' of Our Lord Jesus Christ, His Church. In recent days, the earthquake in Abruzzo seriously damaged many churches. Those of you from Assisi can identify with all that such an occurrence implies. But there is another 'collapse' that is even more serious: that of persons and communities! Like Francis, begin with yourselves. We are the first houses that God wants to rebuild. If you are capable of renewing yourselves in the spirit of the Gospel, you will be able to continue helping the Church's Pastors in the task of 'beautifying' the face of the Spouse of Christ. This is what the Pope – today and from the time of your foundation – expects from you.” This was the request that Benedict XVI made to the members of the Franciscan Order, whom he received in an audience in Castel Gandolfo, at the conclusion of their “Chapter of Mats.”
In his address, the Pope mentioned the motive behind the “Chapter of Mats”: a return to the origins in this, the 800th anniversary of the approval of the “protoregola” (First Rule) of Saint Francis, by Pope Innocence III. “First of all, I would like to join you in thanking God for this entire journey He has led you on, filling you with His blessings,” the Pope said. From the tiny brook that flows forth at the foot of Mount Subasio, has come a great river that has made noteworthy contributions to the spread of the Gospel throughout the world.”
Benedict XVI then reflected on the conversion experience of Francis, from whom everything began and to whom could be applied “several expressions that the Apostle Paul uses in reference to himself”: Francis has “experienced the power of divine grace and it were as though he had died and risen. All of his previous riches, every desire for advantages and security, becomes a 'loss' from the moment in which he meets Christ crucified and risen.” The Pope then recalled that Francis considered the Gospel “a rule of life” for himself and his brothers: “He understood himself entirely at the light of the Gospel. This is his fascination. This is what gives his example perennial value...the 'Poverello' became a living Gospel capable of bringing men and women of all historical ages, especially the youth who prefer radicalism to mediocrity, to Christ.”
“Francis could have chosen not to go to the Pope,” Benedict XVI commented. “Many religious groups and movements were being formed at that time and some of these opposed the Church as an institution, or at least they did not seek her approval. Surely, a polemic situation versus the Hierarchy would have gained many followers for Francis. However, he immediately thought of placing his path and that of his companions in the hands of the Bishops of Rome, the Successor of Peter. This fact reveals his authentic ecclesial spirit. This small 'we' that had begun with his first friars was something that he had thought of from the beginning within the great 'we' of the one and universal Church. And the Pope realized this and appreciated it.”
Lastly, the Pontiff reminded the members of the Franciscan Order of their vocation: “All of you are sons and heirs of those origins. From that 'good seed' that was Francis...” Here, the Pope encouraged them to follow the 'logic' of Francis and Clare of Assisi: “losing one's own life for Jesus and the Gospel, to save it and bear abundant fruit,” and to continue listening to what the Spirit says today,” in order to continue proclaiming the Kingdom of God with passion, in the footsteps of the Seraphic Father;” to always begin from Christ, “just as Francis began with the contemplation of the Crucifix of Saint Damian and the encounter with the leper, in order to see the face of Christ in the brethren who suffer and bring them His peace”; and to be witnesses of the “beauty” of God, “that Francis knew how to sing, as he contemplated the marvels of creation.” (SL) (Agenzia Fides 20/4/2009)
