AFRICA/KENYA - Over 10 million Kenyans are at risk for hunger; Cardinal Njue says: “we must weed out the culture of corruption and selfishness that has caused an artificial rise in prices.”

Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Nairobi (Agenzia Fides) - “While we acknowledge the fact that there have been inadequate rains in many parts of the country, we are also conscious that had we all taken proper measures, planned in advance, curbed the vice of greed, selfishness, and have the political will to weed out the culture of corruption, no life could be endangered or lost to hunger," said Cardinal John Njue, chairman of the Kenya Episcopal Conference. “The wanton loss of lives and the high poverty levels in this country are a matter of great concern to the Catholic Church in Kenya.” According to the government there are over 10 million Kenyans at risk for hunger. The Church in Kenya has for some time now denounced the speculation that has caused an artificial rise in food prices (see Fides 26/11/2008). Caritas has launched an urgent program for helping over 4 million people, those most in danger.
The new protest being made by Cardinal Njue has taken place during the presentation of the 5-year national plan of the Kenyan Bishops' Conference. The ceremony was attended by several Bishops. The Cardinal said: “I wish to emphasize that this strategic plan is not just about objectives, activities, performance indicators target and deliverables. It is about an encounter between the recipient and the church that leads the recipient to feel loved, cared for, respected and dignified as a person created in the image and likeness of God and enjoying that freedom, that joy and that peace of the children of God.”
Cardinal Njue assured of the church's commitment to social transformation in Kenya based on Gospel values. In a society that is “prone to violence, corruption, inequality, injustices of all kinds and tribalism, the Catholic Church through its Justice and Peace Commission will continue to form consciences, be on the side of truth, justice and reconciliation.”
Following last year's post-election violence, the unity of Kenya is under threat, the Cardinal said, and assured that “the Catholic Church will continuously work for the unity of our nation and of our people at all costs.” (LM) (Agenzia Fides 4/2/2009)
