VATICAN - Pontifical Academy for Life: International Congress "The New Frontiers of Genetics and the Risk of Eugenics"

Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - On the occasion of the 15th General Assembly of its Members, the Pontifical Academy for Life will hold an International Congress on 20-21 February 2009, entitled: "The New Frontiers of Genetics and the Risk of Eugenics." Giving the Opening Address for the Congress will be Archbishop Rino Fisichella, President of the Pontifical Academy for Life. The first session will be on the theme: “New Frontiers: History and Definition of the Concept of Eugenics.” The second session will be on “The Dignity of the Human Person and Eugenics.” The third and final session will be on: “Genetics and Eugenics in the Light of Moral Theology.” The Congress will conclude with an audience with the Holy Father Benedict XVI.
As a statement from the Pontifical Academy explains, the medical awareness and research in the genetics field are of extreme importance today, in terms of medical advancement. The discovery of the genetic factors in the onset of various illnesses has led to the realization that the development of knowledge in this area should be guided toward not only a greater control, but also to eradicate illnesses that at the moment have no efficient means of treatment.
However, as often occurs in the history of mankind, and of science in particular, the new frontiers of knowledge also present the possibility of using this knowledge to go against man's true good. The progress in modern genetics is not free from this risk. An excessive focus on genetics can, in fact, lead to a so-called eugenic side, in various forms such as the effort to “create” a “perfect” human being, often ignoring fundamental ethical principles such as respect for human life and not making discriminations. Approaching issues from an historic and scientific perspective, the Congress will be an effort to demonstrate the current available means of medical intervention in the fight against genetically-related diseases, and analyze the development of eugenics from both a juridical and anthropological viewpoint. The Congress will also examine the various forms of eugenics, to determine a global evaluation of this situation and to offer ethical guidelines according to the Church's Magisterium, so as to respond to these challenges. (SL) (Agenzia Fides 28/1/2009)
