VATICAN - Papal Message for Fraternity Campaign 2004 in Brazil: “A gift of God, water is a vital element, indispensable for life and therefore a right for every person”

Friday, 27 February 2004

Vatican City (Fides Service) - Pope John Paul II sent a Message for the annual Lenten Fraternity Campaign organised by the Church in Brazil. The message was addressed to Cardinal Geraldo Majella Agnelo, Archbishop of Sao Salvador, Primate of Brazil and President of the Bishops’ Conference. In the message the Pope says “every Christian in the country has the duty to reflect on the many social situations of people in Brazil which call for solidarity”. The theme for this year’s campaign - “Water Source of Life” - intends to emphasise the importance of water: “without this precious element the earth would soon become an arid desert, a place of hunger and thirst where humans, animals and plants would be condemned to die”, the Pope writes.
Water in Holy Scripture is seen as a symbol of moral purification and a source of supernatural life, as Jesus said: “unless a man is born again of water and the Holy Spirit he cannot enter the Kingdom of God” (Jn 3,5). The person baptised into new life must base relations with humans and with creation on principles of justice, charity and responsibility, avoiding selfish life styles which involve grabbing or impoverishment of natural resources.
“A gift of God, water is a vital element, indispensable for life and therefore a right for every person” the Pope says in his message, urging people to realise that water is scarce in many parts of the world and so must be used rationally. He said people of goodwill and governments must strive to “protect the environment as a gift of God”. On this important subject it is necessary to establish moral criteria based on “the value of human life and respect for the rights and dignity of every human person”. Lastly the Holy Father says he hopes that, thanks to efforts on all sides, water will continue to be “abundant and a source of life for all” and he invokes the Lord’s blessing on “the fields, lakes and rivers of the Land of the Holy Cross”. (S.L.) (Agenzia Fides 27/2/2004; Righe 24; Parole 344)
