VATICAN - Pope at the Angelus asks that the perpetrators of the violence “renounce these acts” and work together “in building a civilization of love,” and encourages all to pray for peace and reconciliation in North Kivu (Congo), Iraq, and India

Monday, 13 October 2008

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - “I urge the perpetrators of violence to renounce these acts and join with their brothers and sisters to work together in building a civilization of love.” These were the words of Pope Benedict XVI at the Angelus on October 12, in Saint Peter’s Square, at the end of the Mass celebrated in Saint Peter’s Square, for the Canonization of four new saints. Greeting the English-speaking pilgrims, especially those who had come from India for the Canonization of the first Indian saint, Sister Alphonsa of the Immaculate Conception, the Holy Father assured the Indian faithful of his prayers “during this difficult time,” commending them to the providential care of Almighty God those who strive “for peace and reconciliation.”
Addressing those from Latin America, especially from Ecuador and Colombia, who had come to Rome for the Canonization of Mother Maria Bernarda Bütler (Swiss missionary in Latin America) and the lay woman Narcisa de Jesús Martillo Morán of Ecuador, the Holy Father spoke in Spanish, saying: “May the new Saints intercede for all their fellow citizens today, so that according to their example of a coherent faith and charity in relationship with their brethren, they may give constant testimony to Christ’s love for all people, giving renewed strength to the Christian roots of their people and contributing to the construction of a more just and solid society inspired by the values of the Gospel.”
Addressing the pilgrims from Poland, who had come to celebrate a day dedicated to the memorial of Pope John Paul II, the Holy Father said, “in the life of the saints and in their actions, there is always a strong spiritual presence of the Virgin Mary. I wish to highlight, in this month of October, their devotion to the Rosary, a daily means of union with Christ, a source of inspiration and consolation, an instrument in interceding for the needs of the Church, in harmony with the Pope’s intentions.”
Before praying the Angelus, the Pope encouraged all to join in praying “pray for reconciliation and peace in some situations that cause alarm and great suffering: I am thinking of the populations of North Kivu, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and I am thinking of the violence against Christians in Iraq and India, whom I daily commend to the Lord. We invoke the protection of Mary, Queen of All Saints, as well, for the Synod of Bishops being held during these days at the Vatican.” (SL) (Agenzia Fides 13/10/2008)
