VATICAN - Sea Sunday 2008: Protect fishing communities from the effects of globalisation, safeguard the oceans and fight piracy

Thursday, 26 June 2008

Vatican City (Fides) - Protecting fisher communities from the effects of globalisation which affect the fishing sector, safeguard the Oceans for future generations, the danger of maritime piracy, were some of the issues mentioned in a Massage issued by the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant Peoples for Sea Sunday 2008, 13 July. The Message is signed by the Council's president and secretary respectively Cardinal Renato Raffaele and Archbishop Martino Agostino Marchetto
“ Sunday is annually a day set aside for the remembrance and prayer for all those who are mariners, fishers, port workers together with their families and dependants. This is therefore an opportunity for us to remember the issues that seafarers daily confront in undertaking their professional and seafaring life in the context of the pastoral care of the Apostleship of the Sea throughout the world, which is characterised also by our support for human rights, fair trade and the defence of the environment.”.
The Message, which comes a year after the 22nd AOS World Congress, held in Gdynia (Poland) in 2007 (see Fides 2/7/2007; 5/9/2007), highlights certain urgent issues and difficulties faced by people whose work is connected with the sea. The Pontifical Council says: “ However, there is one area of maritime activity which is of particular concern all over the world, that of the fishing profession. The fishing communities in fact are battling against the more negative aspects of globalisation and are confronted with economic, social and ecological problems of international proportion. Everywhere AOS has to manifest solidarity with them and intensify its pastoral mission in this area, as these next years will be decisive if we want the oceans to live, the fishing communities to survive and to continue harvesting fish, on which more than one billion people rely, till now, as their main source of protein.”.
In this perspective Pope Benedict XVI has spoken about “the great challenge of today [that] is to 'globalise,' not just economic and commercial interests, but also the call for solidarity.” This will be possible only if “the person, created in the image of God and loved by him, [is] at the centre of every economic plan to protect and administer the immense resources of creation” (Speech to ‘Centesimus Annus-Pro Pontifice’ Foundation, May 31, 2008).”.
The Message highlights another "sad and emerging phenomenon, which must be mentioned, is piracy. In some parts of the world, this is prevalent and presents a real threat to the security of vessels and their crews. AOS therefore must support every move by the International Community and local Authorities to address this problem.”.
The message concludes thanking “ all chaplains, pastoral agents and volunteers who are active in the AOS and who extend pastoral and practical assistance together with hospitality to all seafarers regardless of race, creed or political opinion. One of our great strengths is the number of laity who work in a voluntary capacity for the AOS in chaplaincies, together with the ongoing formation and training in so many places that continue to bear fruit”. (Mtp) (Agenzia Fides 26/6/2008)
