VATICAN - Benedict XVI addresses the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue: “love...urges every believer to listen to the other and seek areas of collaboration. It encourages Christian partners in dialogue with the followers of other religions to propose, but not impose, faith in Christ.”

Monday, 9 June 2008

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) – “It is the love of Christ which impels the Church to reach out to every human being without distinction, beyond the borders of the visible Church. The source of the Church’s mission is Divine Love. This love is revealed in Christ and made present through the action of the Holy Spirit. All the Church’s activities are to be imbued with love.” These were the words of the Holy Father Benedict XVI in an audience held with participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, on June 7. “Thus, it is love that urges every believer to listen to the other and seek areas of collaboration. It encourages Christian partners in dialogue with the followers of other religions to propose, but not impose, faith in Christ who is ‘the way, the truth, and the life,’” the Pope said.
In his speech, the Holy Father mentioned that “through the ministry of the Successors of Peter, including the work of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, and the efforts of local Ordinaries and the People of God throughout the world, the Church continues to reach out to followers of different religions. In this way she gives expression to that desire for encounter and collaboration in truth and freedom.” Human beings seek answers to some of the fundamental existential questions, and “all people have a natural duty and a moral obligation to seek the truth. Once it is known, they are bound to adhere to it and to order their whole lives in accordance with its demands.”
Benedict XVI also pointed out that “the great proliferation of interreligious meetings around the world today calls for discernment” and was pleased to note that during these days the Plenary Assembly reflected on pastoral orientations for interreligious dialogue, “to which religious leaders living and working in pluralistic societies must pay close attention.” The Pope also emphasized “the need for formation for those who promote interreligious dialogue. If it is to be authentic, this dialogue must be a journey of faith.” It is necessary, therefore, that its promoters be “well formed in their own beliefs and well informed about those of others,” and he encouraged the efforts of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue to organize formation courses and programs in interreligious dialogue for different Christian groups.
The Holy Father concluded his address by encouraging collaboration among the various different religions in alleviating the suffering of mankind: “Interreligious collaboration provides opportunities to express the highest ideals of each religious tradition. Helping the sick, bringing relief to the victims of natural disasters or violence, caring for the aged and the poor: these are some of the areas in which people of different religions collaborate. I encourage all those who are inspired by the teaching of their religions to help the suffering members of society.” (SL) (Agenzia Fides 9/6/2008)
