VATICAN - Pope Benedict XVI in Savona and Genoa - At the Angelus, he recalled the many missionaries who had set off from the Port of Genoa for America and other far-off lands, and the Conference on cluster bombs

Monday, 19 May 2008

Savona (Agenzia Fides) - The Holy Father Benedict XVI lead the recitation of the Angelus on Sunday, May 18, in Genoa's Piazza Matteotti, at the close of an encounter held with young people. Prior to the prayer, the Holy Father recalled his visit to the Shrine of Nostra Signora della Guardia, following in the footsteps of his predecessors Benedict XV and John Paul II.
The Pope then invoked the maternal assistance of the Virgin of the Guard on the entire Diocese: “We asked her to watch, in a special way, over the sick and all the suffering, and to make fruitful the missionary initiatives that are in preparation to bring to all the proclamation of the Gospel. Together we entrust to Mary the entire city, with its varied population, its cultural, social, and economic activities; the problems and challenges of our times, and the efforts of those who are working for the common good.”
Reflecting on all Liguria, “full of churches and Marian shrines,” Benedict XVI gave thanks to God “for the robust and tenacious faith of past generations,” and recalled that “Liguria, and in particular Genoa, has always been a land open to the Mediterranean and to the entire world: how many missionaries have gone out from this port for the Americas, and for other faraway lands! How many people have emigrated from here for other countries, perhaps poor in material resources, but rich in faith and human and spiritual values, which they then transplanted in the places of their arrival! Mary, Star of the Sea, continue to shine over Genoa; Mary, Star of Hope, continue to guide the journey of Genoa’s people, especially the new generations, that they find the right way in the often tempestuous sea of life.”
After reciting the Angelus, the Holy Father recalled the Conference on cluster bombs with these words: “I would like now to recall an important event which begins tomorrow in Dublin: the Diplomatic Conference on Cluster Munitions, convened with the goal of reaching a ban on these deadly explosives. I hope that thanks to the responsibility of all the participants, a strong and credible international agreement may be reached: it is necessary, in fact, to remedy the errors of the past and avoid repeating them in the future. I accompany with my prayer the victims of cluster bombs and their families, as well as those taking part in the conference, expressing my best wishes for success.” (SL) (Agenzia Fides 19/5/2008; righe 31, parole 405)
