VATICAN - Benedict XVI encourages the new priests to “spread the joy and hope that flow from the Gospel” and launches appeals for African nations

Monday, 28 April 2008

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - Joy and hope for the newly ordained priests and for his apostolic journey to the United States of America, a greeting to the Eastern Churches celebrating Easter, and an appeal for Africa: these were the main themes for Pope Benedict XVI’s address given prior to the recitation of the Regina Caeli on Sunday, April 27.
Making reference to the ceremony, concluded in St. Peter’s Basilica shortly before his address, where he ordained 29 new priests, the Pope affirmed that, “Every year, this is a moment of special grace and great celebration: new life is infused into the fabric of the Community, whether it be in the Church or the city. While the presence of priests is indispensable for the life of the Church, it is also a precious gift for all people.” The Holy Father also recalled that “the missionary sense of the Church and especially of the priests” is that of “spreading the joy of the Gospel in the world! Where Christ is preached with the power of the Holy Spirit and he is accepted with an open soul, society, though it be full of problems, becomes a ‘city of joy’... This then is the wish I have for the newly ordained priests, for whom I invite all to pray: that where they are sent they may spread the joy and hope that flow from the Gospel.”
Benedict XVI then recalled his recent apostolic trip to the United States of America, whose motto was: “Christ our Hope.” “I give thanks to God,” the Pope said, “for abundantly blessing this singular missionary experience of mine and deigning to make me an instrument of the hope of Christ for that Church and that country. I am also grateful because I too was confirmed in hope by American Catholics: I discovered a tremendous vitality and a decisive will to live and to witness to the faith in Jesus.”
His last reflection before praying the Regina Caeli was on the Eastern Churches that, according to the Julian Calendar celebrate the great solemnity of Easter. “I would like to express my fraternal spiritual nearness to these brothers and sisters of ours,” the Pope said. “I cordially greet them, praying that the God who is one and three will confirm them in the faith, fill them with the splendorous light that emanates from the resurrection of the Lord and to comfort them in the difficult situations that they often find themselves living and witnessing to the Gospel. I invite all to join with me in invoking the Mother of God, that the road of dialogue and collaboration that was started upon sometime ago will soon lead to a more complete communion among all the disciples of Christ, that they may be a luminous sign of hope for all humanity.”
Following the recitation of the Regina Caeli, the Holy Father Benedict XVI launched an appeal for Africa, saying: “The news from some African countries continues to cause profound suffering and much concern. I ask you not to forget about these tragic events and the brothers and sisters who are involved in them! I ask you to pray for them and to be their voice. In Somalia, especially in Mogadishu, bitter armed conflicts are worsening the humanitarian crisis of this dear people, which for too many years has been oppressed by brutality and misery. The situation in Darfur, despite a momentary glimmer of hope, remains a tragedy without end for hundreds of thousands of defenseless and abandoned persons. Lastly, Burundi - after the recent bombardments that struck and terrorized the capital city of Bujumbura and also affected the Apostolic Nunciature, and in the face of the threat of a new civil war, I invite all the parties involved to take up again without delay the way of dialogue and reconciliation. I ask the local political authorities, the leaders of the international community and every person of goodwill not to give up on efforts to bring and end to the violence and the honor the commitments that have been made, in a way that will provide a solid basis for peace and development. We entrust our petitions to Mary, Queen of Africa.” (SL) (Agenzia Fides 28/4/2008; righe 49, parole 698)
