Rome (Agenzia Fides) - Three years after the passing of our beloved John Paul II, and on the occasion of the publishing of the paperback version of the book, “A Life with Karol” written by Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz, the Church of Santa Maria in Trastevere hosted an encounter on April 1 entitled, “Remembering Karol.” The book written by Cardinal Stanislaw Dwisisz records a dialogue he had with Gian Franco Svidercoschi on the 39 years he spent living with Pope Wojtyla, first in Krakow and then later in Rome, as his personal secretary. All the testimonies were linked by a common theme: the ability to re-live, through the book, the same experience they themselves had lived with the Pontiff, although from a different standpoint.
Cardinal Camillo Ruini, Vicar General of His Holiness for the Diocese of Rome, made reference to his own personal memories, recalling his “great awe in the presence of such a distinguished person and yet a great sense of closeness, with the opportunity to enter into his world.” For Cardinal Ruini, this was one of the amazing capacities of Pope John Paul II: to make himself distinguished and simple at the same time. The Cardinal also mentioned three main characteristics of the Pope that, in his opinion, were “Karol’s secret”: his conception of time that led him to take advantage of every moment, especially in order to pray, together with his obvious overabundance of energy and grace; the unique harmony and composure in his life, rich and multifaceted, in constant dialogue with the Father; and his capacity to listen. The Cardinal also recalled his personal experience in 1984 that became a great sign of the Pope’s love for the city of Rome and that launched his memorable cry of “Be not afraid!” into the world.
Andrea Riccardi, founder of the Community of Sant’Egidio recalled how John Paul II understood that following the II Vatican Council, the Holy Spirit had inspired new communities and movements, for whom he showed his great love and esteem. He was a man who, embracing the sufferings of all humanity - of soul and body - brought the good out of all the turbulence of the modern age, setting the foundation for a more courageous, freer, and younger Church.
Monsignor Slawomir Oder, Postulator for the Cause of Beatification and Canonization of John Paul II, told of his current experience as Postulator, of the many letters offering testimonies of John Paul II’s intercession, most of the cases being miraculous healings from cancer and pregnancies of couples who had been declared sterile.
In the cause of beatification, therefore, there are no surprises. All that he lived, all that the world observed in him, was already enough testimony of his holiness. Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz, Pope John Paul II’s former secretary expressed his gratitude for being able to prepare for this third anniversary of Pope John Paul II’s return to the Father: “Although I accompanied him for forty years, now he accompanies me,” he said. “He has remained among us. I am sure that he has, above all, remained with his Successor, as they were the truest of friends.” (PC) (Agenzia Fides 2/4/2008; righe 40, parole 518)