AFRICA/CAMEROON - Archbishop of Yaoundé hospitalized in Paris following serious car accident

Monday, 31 March 2008

Yaoundé (Agenzia Fides) - “Archbishop Tonye Bakot underwent a preliminary operation in Paris, the results of which were positive. However, he will have to undergo future operations,” sources from the Apostolic Nunciature in Cameroon told Fides in a report on the health conditions of Archbishop Victor Tonye Bakot of Yaoundé, Cameroon’s capital, who has suffered a serious car accident.
On March 27, the Archbishop’s vehicle was hit by a truck at the entrance into the capital city. As a result of the accident, that appears to have involved a total of three cars, the Archbishop suffered three bone fractures: in the right femur, the pelvis, and a rib. His was declared to be in grave conditions on the moment of arrival in the hospital in Yaoundé, where he was consequently admitted into the rehabilitation unit, where he has been receiving various guests. Among them are the Prime Minister and the Archbishop of Doula, Cardinal Christian Tumi.
Observing the Archbishop’s condition, the medical doctors suggested that he be transferred to a specialized hospital in Paris. “The President immediately sent word that an emergency plane be provided for the Archbishop’s transfer to France,” sources told Fides. “Unfortunately, we do not know when Archbishop Tonye Bakot will be able to return to his people, as he will have to undergo various operations.”
“As soon as the news of the accident was heard in the country, not only in the Archdiocese of Yaoundé, the faithful gathered to ask the Lord’s prompt healing of His Excellency,” concluded Fides sources. (LM) (Agenzia Fides 31/3/2008; righe 20, parole 253)
