EUROPE/SPAIN - Presentation of a 25-year investigation on the history of theology in Latin America, made by 29 specialists from 19 universities

Friday, 28 March 2008

Navarra (Agenzia Fides) - The Theology Department at the University of Navarra (Spain) has seen the close of a 25-year-long investigation on the history of theology in Latin America, from its beginning in 1493 to 2001. The project began in 1984, following Servant of God John Paul II’s proclamation of a period of academic reflection on the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the evangelization of the Americas.
The project’s director was a professor from the Theology Department, Josep-Ignasi Saranyana, and it was coordinated by Prof. Carmen-Jose Alejos. According to the director, during the project’s presentation, the topic for the investigation was chosen because it was “a completely unexplored area,” and “the history of theology in Latin America was only in a few monographs, limited to only a few small geographic locations and with records of only certain concrete dates. Consequently, this study is the first of its kind.” Due to its newness, Prof. Saranyana explained, “we had to mark out a clear line of work, start doctoral theses, find the necessary resources for expanding the library of the University of Navarra, find the main archives, find the necessary funding, attend conferences and find the specialists we needed.” According to its director, this project of Theology in Latin America “can serve as a reference work for studies on Latin American thought, not only theological, but philosophical and ecclesial-historical, as well.”
The investigation, which has recently been presented, is held in four giant volumes that were published by Iberoamericana-Vervuert editions, headquartered in Frankfurt, with a delegation in Madrid. A total of 29 specialists from 19 (5 European and 14 American) universities have collaborated in this work that is the only existing of its kind. (RG) (Agenzia Fides 28/3/2008; righe 24, parole 282)
