VATICAN - The Pope at the General Audience explains the meaning of Easter: “the weakening of faith in the Resurrection of Jesus leads to the weakening of the testimony of believers”

Thursday, 27 March 2008

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - “Every Sunday, with the Creed, we renew our profession of faith in the resurrection of Christ, the amazing event that lies at the heart of Christianity. In the Church, everything is understood from this great mystery that has changed the course of history and that is made present in every Eucharistic celebration.” With these words, the Holy Father Benedict XVI began his catechesis at the General Audience on March 26, Wednesday in the Easter Octave. Having arrived in Rome by helicopter from his residence in Castel Gandolfo, the Pope met with groups of pilgrims and faithful from all over the world gathered in Saint Peter’s Square.
“All the liturgies of the Easter season sing the certainty and joy of the resurrection of Christ,” the Holy Father pointed out, reminding the faithful of the need to constantly renew “our adhesion to Christ who has died and risen for the Risen Christ, we are given the certainty of our resurrection. The news of his resurrection from the dead is timeless and Jesus is always alive; His Gospel is alive...The Lord’s death reveals the immense love with which He has loved us, to the point of sacrificing Himself for us. However, only the resurrection offers the ‘sure sign’ and the certainty that all that He has said is the truth, that it is true for us and for all times.”
Benedict XVI also spoke during his catechesis of the importance of “recalling this fundamental truth of our faith, its historical and widely documented truth, even though today, as has occurred in the past, many try to place it in doubt or even deny it.” He continued: “the weakening of faith in the Resurrection of Jesus leads to the weakening of the testimony of believers. If faith in the resurrection falters in the Church, everything begins to break down, everything falls apart. On the contrary, the adhesion of our hearts and minds to Christ who has died and risen changes lives and illumines the entire existence of persons and nations.” The Pope remarked that the certainty that Christ is risen, gives “courage and prophetic audacity and perseverance to the martyrs of every age,” and that the encounter with the living Christ has fascinated many men and women, that “since the beginning of Christianity, continue to leave everything to follow him and put their lives at the service of the Gospel.” The message that we are constantly listening to during these days is this: “Jesus is risen. He is Living and we can find Him...The Lord is with us, with His Church, until the end of time. Illumined by the Holy Spirit, the members of the early Church began announcing the Easter message openly and without fear. And this message, passed down from generation to generation, has reached us and is proclaimed every year at Easter, with an ever-renewed strength.”
Commenting on the gospel passage that tells of the two travelers of Emmaus with the risen Lord, from the day’s liturgy, the Holy Father pointed out that “during the entire liturgical year, especially during Holy Week and Easter Week, the Lord walks with us and explains the Scriptures to us and He makes us understand this mystery: everything refers to Him. And this should make our hearts burn within us, so that our eyes may be opened. The Lord is with us and He shows us the right path...Jesus breaks the bread with us and for us; He makes Himself present to us in the Holy Eucharist. He gives Himself and opens our hearts. In the Holy Eucharist, in the encounter with His Word, we can also meet and know Jesus, in this two-fold table of the Word and the consecrated Bread and Wine. Every Sunday the community relives the Lord’s death and resurrection and receives from the Savior His testament of love and fraternal service.” The Holy Father concluded his catechesis wishing that “the joy of this day may strengthen our faithful adhesion to the crucified and risen Christ” and he told the faithful to let themselves “be overcome by the fascination of His resurrection,” invoking the intercession of Mary to help us “become messengers of the light and joy of Easter among our brethren.” (SL) (Agenzia Fides 27/3/2008; righe 51, parole 706)
