VATICAN - Pope’s Message to the Cuban Bishops on the occasion of the 10th Anniversary of the visit of John Paul II: the need for gratitude and renewal of the zeal for evangelization

Friday, 22 February 2008

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - “The commemoration 10 years later of those unforgettable days for the Church and the Cuban people, lived as an enthusiastic world was watching, is without a doubt a call for gratitude toward my venerated Predecessor, and as well the manifestation of a passionate intention to renew the authentic evangelizing drive that he left deeply impressed in the hearts of all.” These were the words of the Holy Father Benedict XVI in his Message to the Bishops of Cuba, commemorating the 10th anniversary of Pope John Paul II’s visit to the country on January 21-26, 1998. The Message was delivered by the Secretary of State, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, upon his visit to Cuba for this celebration.
Following a cordial greeting of the Cardinal Archbishop of Havana, the President of the Cuban Bishops’ Conference and fellow bishops, the Pope assured them of his spiritual presence with them in Cuba, asking that the Lord grant Cubans, “strength and generosity to live your faith ever more intensely and to work in favor of a world enlightened by the Gospel.” “The proclamation of the Gospel of Christ continues to find hearts in Cuba open to welcoming it, carrying with it a constant responsibility to help them to grow in the spiritual life...Announcing true doctrine, listening to and deepening one's understanding of the word of God, promoting participation in the sacraments and foster a life of prayer, are all primary goals of pastoral action. Bringing to all the salvation of Christ is the nucleus of the Church’s mission.”
Although difficulties, a lack of resources, indifference, or even a lack of trust are capable of discouraging some Christian communities, “The believer knows that he can always put his hope in Jesus Christ, our Lord, who never lets us down, and who can overcome your heart with joy, giving meaning and fruitfulness to your life of faith. In fact, a little light can illumine the entire house and a bit of yeast can raise all the dough.” The Pope also spoke of the importance of small gestures of amiability and good will, simple and everyday acts of this nature, care for the suffering, and a selfless and disinterested service for the good of others, that “reveals a glimpse of the limitless love that God has for all and for each one.” It is of great importance, therefore, “the mission of the Church in Cuba in favor of those in need acquires a great importance, with specific works of service and attention to the men and women of all walks of life, that deserve to be sustained not only in their material needs, but also welcomed with affection and understanding.”
To his “beloved brothers in the Episcopate,” the Pope reminds them that in their hands lies “the care of the vineyard of the Lord in Cuba, where the proclamation of the Gospel arrived five centuries ago, and whose values had a great influence on the birth of the nation...This inheritance has marked the Cuban soul, that today needs your generous pastoral care to revive it, showing that the Church, focusing her gaze on Jesus Christ, does good, promotes the dignity of the person, and, sewing seeds of understanding, mercy and reconciliation, contributes to the progress of man and of society. You know that you can count on the closeness of the Pope and the brotherly prayer and collaboration of the other particular Churches throughout the entire world.”
Concluding his Message, the Holy Father asks the Bishops to relay his affectionate greeting to the priests, religious communities, and lay faithful, as well as to all Cubans, invoking the Virgin of Charity of Cobre with the same words used by John Paul II, ten years ago: “Make the Cuban nation a home of brothers and sisters so that this people will open wide its mind, its heart and its life to Christ, the sole Savior and Redeemer, who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever.” (S.L.) (Agenzia Fides 22/2/2008; righe 49, parole 665)
