Brazil (Agenzia Fides) - The Brazilian Bishops Conference has begun their 45th Brotherhood Campaign today, February 6th, Ash Wednesday. This year, the Campaign’s theme is, “Brotherhood and the defence of life” and the motto is, “So, choose life.” The opening ceremony will be presided by Bishop Dimas Lara Bardos, in the seat of the Bishops Conference in Brasilia. Included in the ceremony will be a presentation of the Campaign material and a reading of the Holy Father’s Message, followed by various testimonies planned to be given within the celebration of the Mass.
The general objective of the Campaign is to urge the Church and society to defend and promote human life, from conception until natural death, seeing it as a gift from God. Among the various specified objectives are: to develop the idea of a person capable of making decisions in defence of human life, to strengthen the family as primary place for the defence of life, to promote a culture of life through education, to work together with people of various cultural positions and different religions, to foster an attitude of awareness in the people as they confront institutions in favour of death and who promote the manipulation and commercialisation of human life, and finally, to promote and support public policies that guarantee the promotion and defence of life.
Set to take place during Lent, the Campaign is especially characterised by an intense call to conversion. “This Campaign,” Bishop Dimas stated, “is meant to be an effort towards a Lenten conversion of all Christians in search of an ever fuller happiness and for the God who is the Creator and Giver of life.” The Brotherhood Campaign offers paths for the conversion and transformation of society, with the aim that the human person may be more and more recognised in his fullness, in conformation with his nature and with the will of God, placing life among the principle values that mark our existence and determine our actions. (RG) (Agenzia Fides 6/2/2008 Lines: 26 Words: 320)