AMERICA/MEXICO - Bishops of southern California launch an appeal in view of growing violence and insecurity: “with our prayers and our activity we can help find a solution”

Monday, 4 February 2008

Tijuana (Agenzia Fides) - “As Bishops of the Catholic Church we are deeply concerned to see an atmosphere of growing violence and insecurity which appears to be ever more acute all over the country, especially in the cities of our Ecclesiastical Province. And we fear this atmosphere will spread to places where there has been relative peace up to now ”. This was affirmed by the Bishops of Mexico's ecclesiastical province of della California sur.
The Bishops indicate among the many root causes: separation of families; an education system whichfocuses too much on formation in the fields of technology and economics subjects and too little on forming citizens capable of building social harmony; inaction and the danger of corruption in public institutions charged with providing and guaranteeing security.
“As Church leaders we cannot simply ignore this situation” the Bishops say, urging families, schools and social organisations, dioceses, public authorities, to make every possible effort to “resolve the problem which affects and wounds everyone”. Although the problem is serious “with our prayers and our activity we can help find a solution ” the Bishops say and conclude “The future of our society will be guaranteed it we succeed in giving the new generations reasons for living with love and solidarity and reasons for hope”. (RG) (Agenzia Fides 4/2/2008; righe 17, parole 226)
